Wednesday, April 10

Apple muffins

Baking apple muffins are my ammo for a fail-proof, always successful bake. They are always guaranteed to taste yummy and from personal experience, it's always a hit. Plus anything with fruits are considered healthy, are they not? :p

We went apple picking at Bilpin over the weekend and came home with a whole bag full of fresh Pink Lady apples. Fresh apples are the best - I love how sweet and crisp they are. I used some of the bruised apples for my muffins. For some reason, I think anything baked with freshly picked ingredients taste better. Wonder what fruits are in season next?
To beat:
1 1/2 cups sugar (I sometimes reduce the amount of sugar because the apples already make the muffins sweet)
2 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
1 Tbsp vanilla essence

To sift:
3 cups self-raising flour (if using normal flour, then add 1 tsp sodium bicarb)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon powder

3 cups apples, diced
Brown sugar to sprinkle

1. Beat the sugar, eggs, vegetable oil and vanilla essence till the mixture is well mixed.
2. Add in the sifted ingredients. At this point, the batter will be too thick to use a mixer, so I mix with a spatula. Add in some oil to make the batter not too lumpy.
3. Add in the diced apples and mix well.
4. Scoop mixture into individual paper cup liners. Sprinkle brown sugar on top of the muffin mix.
5. Pop into the oven. Bake at 180C for 25 minutes or until the muffins are baked well.

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