Every once in a blue moon, I'll have a craving for roti jala. And not just any store bought ones, but instead I crave for the homemade ones.
The lunch menu today was roti jala, served with curry chicken kapitan. The recipe that I used today was an adaptation from here.
The lunch menu today was roti jala, served with curry chicken kapitan. The recipe that I used today was an adaptation from here.
250g flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Mixture (A):
2 cups santan
1 cup water
1/2 tsp salt
A pinch of kunyit (turmeric) powder, or yellow colouring
1. Sift flour into a mixing bowl. Stir in eggs. Add (A) gradually and beat until batter is smooth. Strain batter.
2. Pour batter into a roti jala cup with four to five funnels. Heat a nonstick frying pan over low heat. Grease lightly. Move the roti jala cup in a circular motion over the nonstick pan to form a lacy pattern.
2. Pour batter into a roti jala cup with four to five funnels. Heat a nonstick frying pan over low heat. Grease lightly. Move the roti jala cup in a circular motion over the nonstick pan to form a lacy pattern.
3. When the pancake is set, turn it over onto a plate. Fold the pancake into quarters or roll up and stack neatly on a plate. Serve with curry chicken, rendang or any curry dish.